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Contact Improvisation Workshop with Ryuta Dutah Iwashita Suderman

WHERE: Dancing Grounds l 3705 St. Claude Ave

[CONTACT IMPROVISATION -4 WEEK FUNDAMENTAL WORKSHOP] Saturdays November 11, 25, December 9, 23, 6:30PM-8:30PM ------------------------------------------- This is an invitation to our 4 week fundamental workshop for Contact Improvisation. If many people show up and express love for Contact Improv in the next two months, it will become a regular class at Dancing Grounds! Please come support us for creating more CI events in town. [What's Contact Improvisation?] Contact Improvisation (CI) is an improvised movement form wherein two or more individuals share a physical contact point and move in relation to gravity, momentum and weight balance. It has been an internationally prevailing phenomenon amongst dancers, theater artists, yogis, and many self-awareness practitioners for over 40 years. Unlike the majority of dance forms, CI is typically not performative but rather restorative and therapeutic as many Contact Improvisers dance in an open, exploratory environment called a "jam" and use this method to enrich their relationship with their mind and body through improvising movements with other people. [Week 1: Touch] -Explore depths, directions and speed of touch -Familiarize ourselves with touching without cultural or sexual connotation -Unfold sensitivities for subtle implication and conveyance of intentions in touch -Touch without touching body Drop-ins $10/Dancing Grounds members $5 Beginners are always welcome. Bring comfortable clothes, water and any questions if you have. Curiosity feeds sensation! Facilitator: Ryuta Iwashita Also check out our Contact Imporv New Orleans Facebook page and get involved in more events! Feel free to spread the word and come join our loving, beautiful community!

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