Explore New Orleans and Dance with Myra Krien
WHEN: November 18, 2017
An Intimate Day Long Retreat This 6 hour retreat will explore techniques to expand and strengthen our personal dance expression as well as our connections to each other and our dance community through journaling, technique and improvisation exercises. 10-11:15 Meditation, Warm-up, Technique Drills and Exercises, Sufi Workshop 11:30 - 1 Intentioned Reinvention Workshop 1-2 Lunch 2- 3:30 Group Improvisation Techniques 3:45 - 5 Conceptual Community Exercise through movement and Talking Circle 8:00 Evening Showcase $10 Retreat Fee $95 Early Bird (Prior to November 1) $120 after November 1 and at the door. ONLY 15 SPACES AVAILABLE! Checks payable to "Crescent Lotus" can be mailed to Crescent Lotus 3143 Calhoun St, NOLA 70125 OR For a few extra dollars, ($98) you can send registration through PayPal to crescentlotus@crescentlotus.com Some lodging advice... I'm looking into a student's AirBnB availability. Otherwise, if you want to be in the French Quarter, my mom stays at Le Richelieu when she's in town and it's great. It's not in the middle of the chaos but still in the Quarter. Also, the H0liday Inn Superdome is pretty nice. Looks blah on the outside but the rooms have been recently renovated and it's nice. Nothing is near the studio. So driving or Lyft is required.