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Dancemeditation Basic Practices plus VEILS w/Kryss - Dervish Society of America

DATES: April 2, 2016, May 7, 2016, June 4, 2016

TIME: 10am

WHERE: Crescent Lotus Dance Studio 3143 Calhoun Street

Spring is on it's way! Colors and gentle breezes embrace us from all directions. Come dance with the wind and the color. We do this once a month. Usually the first weekend. Cost: Sliding Scale $10-$25...because money should not be the reason anyone denies themself this experience. Plus, LOVE! What could happen... Opening Sequence: This breath-based fluid yoga emphasizes equality of awareness in all stages of the movement. Breath Dances: We bring awareness to the continuous base note of breathing inside our moving bodies and experiment with different relationships to that pulse. Rhythmic & Non-rhythmic breathing Gesture: Hands immediately spring to awareness here, but gesture can be made by any body part, or with the entire body. Deep State Motion: Moving in full receptivity—the sense of being moved—can’t be predicted or forced but it can be gently, sincerely invited. Veil Meditation!!!! Don't worry... we have a bunch to share! We have yoga mats and blankets but you are welcome to bring your own. A journal and pen would be great too. You never know what will shake loose once you work out all the kinks.

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